We offer prompted dialogue templates to help children and adults reflect together about ideas which are interesting to them both. Some templates prompt the imagination; some prompt memory; some prompt curiosity and investigation. Each week, you will receive a new template to explore with your child.

It’s a need for children to want to be observed in action. They need their caregivers to see their process, not just the end product. CoAuthor invites you to write down your children’s words in front of them as an act of love. Children see themselves as individuals with interesting ideas when their parents and teachers document their learning. Children also learn a lot about writing by watching adults write.

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Throughout the templates, we invite you and your child to engage together in some key learning experiences. We chose these experiences because research shows they are powerful contexts for learning.

At each step along the way in the template, we provide real-time tips to help you support your child. You can choose which tips to access as you move through the template. At the end, we’ll send you a digest of all the tips so you can check out the ones you skipped.